Sleep medical clarifications

A good night’s sleep is a prerequisite for sufficient recovery. If the duration of sleep is too short or sleep is disturbed, this can have health consequences. Sleep disorders can become noticeable through imbalance, lack of fitness, concentration problems or daytime tiredness. In most cases, the partner suffers from the patient’s loud snoring. On closer observation, it is not uncommon to notice that not only the snoring is clearly disturbing, but that breathing interruptions also occur. These breathing interruptions are also known as apnea phases. While snoring is not harmful to health, breathing interruptions are an increased risk for internal diseases (high blood pressure, heart attack or cardiovascular diseases). In such cases, it is therefore important to clarify the exact anatomical cause.

We carry out this assessment on our patients under short anesthesia. A short nap is artificially induced. The doctor then looks into the throat with a flexible endoscope during this sleep phase. This allows you to accurately assess the anatomy in the sleep phase when the throat and tongue muscles are relaxed. A targeted therapy can be derived from these findings.

We carry out these clarifications in our Villa Eiche day clinic as an outpatient procedure.

Make an appointment

You are welcome to call us on +41 41 420 6634 or send us a message using this contact form. We will get back to you within the next 48 hours.

    Contact details

    • HNO-Center Luzern AG
      Hünenbergstrasse 1
      CH – 6006 Lucerne

    • Mon.-Thurs.: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. / 1 p.m. – 5 p.m., Fri: 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.,
      Sat/Sun: closed

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    All patients operated on by us are given a personal emergency number to call after the operation. In all other cases outside our consultation hours, please contact these emergency numbers.