Eyelid lift (blepharoplasty)

Upper eyelid lift – drooping eyelid removal

If the traces of time are noticeable on the eye in the form of drooping eyelids, an upper eyelid lift under local anesthesia can help to achieve a clearly visible rejuvenating effect. From the age of 30, the skin loses its natural elasticity. This often gives the impression of a somewhat tired facial expression. The lack of elasticity and excess skin on the upper eyelid is also often noticeable in women, where the eyeshadow smudges relatively easily when applying make-up.

Surgical planning also requires precise consideration of the forehead region. It is not uncommon for a slackening of the forehead muscles to be partly responsible for the fatigue effect. We perform the upper eyelid lift under local anesthesia or, if desired, in a short twilight sleep. The risks are low. In rare cases, small bruises may occur in the upper eyelid. After the procedure, you can go home again after a short observation period. After around 7 days, the smallest skin sutures are removed at the Lucerne ENT Center. Our specialists perform this procedure from approx. 3,200 through. The average price is CHF 3,900 and of course depends on the complexity of the procedure and whether it is combined with other procedures such as rhinoplasty. An individual assessment and careful examination are essential, as careful planning naturally includes consideration of the brow and forehead region.

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