Modern neurofeedback therapy for chronic vertigo disorders

New dizziness therapy using modern neurofeedback training according to Prof. Ernst

Vertigo is a very complex symptom in the field of ear, nose and throat medicine. More and more people are seeking medical help due to symptoms of dizziness. The therapeutic decision-making process depends very much on the symptoms and the cause of the vertigo. The vertigo can be peripheral (e.g. vestibular neuropathy, utriculus dysfunction, degenerative processes in the vestibular system) or central (e.g. cervicogenic vertigo, neurological diseases). In order for dizziness therapy to be initiated, it is important to determine the exact cause of dizziness beforehand. With the help of the most precise medical diagnostics (patient history, position/position test, caloric vestibular test, vestibulospinal tests), the exact diagnosis of vertigo can be reliably diagnosed in most cases. However, certain groups of vertigo, such as age-related vertigo (presbyvertigo) or cervical spine-related (cervicogenic) vertigo, have often been resistant to treatment to date.

New dizziness therapy using neurofeedback training according to Prof. Ernst

With the new balance training system developed by Prof. Ernst, it is now possible to successfully treat the various types of vertigo. This also applies to the dizziness groups that have had little success in treatment to date (e.g. presbyvertigo). Neurofeedback training is suitable for improving or even completely eliminating the stance, gait and coordination disorders caused by dizziness, thus minimizing the risk of falling and helping the patient to move more safely in everyday life.

How does neurofeedback training work?

Specific exercises are guided by a computerized evaluation under the supervision of a specialist. Patients receive targeted vibration stimuli via a neurofeedback system, which is attached to the hip with a belt. Whenever the patient sways during a training session, tips to one side or shows unsteadiness of stance or gait, a targeted vibration stimulus is applied to the affected side. This additional information enables the patient to train themselves to return to a normal starting position or a normal body position. Through a precise selection of exercises individually adapted to each patient and frequent repetition of the training, the entire balance system is stimulated and these changes are transmitted to the brain, where they are stored like a vocabulary after several repetitions of the training. The brain then learns to classify movements in space in a targeted manner, which can significantly reduce the patient’s feelings of dizziness and insecurity.

Duration of neurofeedback training

Neurofeedback training is carried out every day for two weeks, with the exception of weekends. The training time per day is between 30 and 60 minutes. Each patient receives 6 specially tailored exercises, which are determined beforehand on a computerized basis. These 6 exercises (e.g. two-legged stand with eyes closed, one-legged stand, climbing stairs) are repeated 5 times in a row per training day to achieve optimum training results. Experience has shown that by the end of the 2 weeks of training, or at the latest 1 to 2 months later, subjective and objective improvements in symptoms can be seen and patients feel more confident and self-assured. It is possible that the vertigo symptoms will recur six months or even years later. If this is the case, the neurofeedback-supported balance training can be refreshed with 2 weeks of training.

Costs of the training

At present, modern neurofeedback therapy is not yet recognized as a compulsory health insurance benefit, so the costs are self-paying.